In the Smartpages platform, you can publish landing pages on your domain. To do this, first add the domain to your account.
If you add a domain to your account, our system will install a free SSL certificate on it automatically.
Adding your custom domain to Smartpages account
- Log in to the Smartpages platform and go to the Domains tab and click on Add domain.

- Type the domain name you want to add and click on Continue. You can add:.
- a root domain (e.g. with www – www will be added automatically;
- a subdomain (e.g.

- Note: In the next step, click on Done only after you have completed all the steps listed below.
You can configure the domain by adding DNS records to the domain in the administration panel of your chosen domain provider (outside the Smartpages platform) according to the following steps.

- Log in to the domain administration panel on your domain’s provider and find the DNS records settings (DNS settings).
Remember: make sure you are not using the DNS servers dedicated for other purposes.
- When you are ready, go back to the Smartpages platform and click on Done.
You will see a pop-up message that the configuration is complete.

Please note that DNS records propagation can take up to 24 hours.
Our system will add your domain and install the SSL certificate on it only after DNS records are propagated. You can check if the correct DNS records are already visible using, for example, the Dig tool.
- Our system is verifying if DNS redirections have been done correctly. During this time, a clock icon will be visible next to the domain with the information that the domain is being verified. Usually, the domain will be active a few hours after adding it, but the total waiting time depends on the number of domains in our system waiting in the queue to install the certificate. We will inform you by e-mail when the first domain is installed correctly.
- A green globe icon indicates an active domain, to which you can assign a selected landing page.

Once you have correctly installed the domain in your account, you can publish the landing page on your own domain.
If you want to learn more about the main domain and/or subdomain redirection, take a look here:
- Root domain redirection
- Subdomain redirection
- What is the difference between the root domain and subdomain?