AnyMeeting is a provider of web conferencing and webinar services. Integration is possible via Zapier.
How to integrate AnyMeeting with Smartpages:
- Firstly you have to sign up on (on basic version it’s free of charge).
- Instruction below shows how to integrate Smartpages form with Zapier: - When the form is connected with Zapier, add AnyMeeting as the next Zapier step.
- Go to “Account” tab, then “Integrations” card and click GENERATE NEW API KEY.
5. Go back to Zapier, find AnyMeeting application and choose “New webinar registration”.
6. Save, and in the next step click on “Connect an account”.
A window will appear, enter the Api Key from AnyMeeting system, then save.
7. Then you will have to connect form fields with appropriate fields in AnyMeeting system.
You need 4 fields for proper integration:
- first name
- last name
- webinar Code
You can find the Webinar Code in the link to the webinar,
add it as a hidden field in the form.
Remember that fields matching is based on attribute name.
8. After publishing your landing page and finishing process in Zapier, your leads will be shown as a webinar members in AnyMeeting panel.