You can integrate your landing page with Google Analytics by adding gtag.js (global site tag) as a custom javascript, and then set conversions goal which help you to analyze the efficiency of your LP.
How to integrate landing page with Google Analytics?
- Log in to your Google Analytics account and go to the Admin tab -> Tracking Info -> Tracking Code.
- Copy your global site tag – gtag.js. It should look like similarily to the one presented below.
- Next, log in to your Smartpages account and go to the Landing pages tab. On the list of all landing pages, find the one which you want to integrate with GA and go to the Dashboard -> Javascript codes.
- Click on Add script. In the new window, paste the previously copied code. Add the script on the main page and conversion page in the head position and save the changes. More about adding your own Javascript you can find here.
If you implemented the code correctly, GA will be tracking data on your landing page immediately after adding it. The full data appears in GA reports after about 24 hours, while active users on the landing page are visible in the Real-time tab.
You can validate the implementation of the code on your landing page using the Google Tag Assistant.
Remember that adding the gtag is just the first step that allows you to integrate the landing page with your GA account. If you want to track conversions or other events, read more.
How to track conversion on the landing page (filling in the form) in Google Analytics?
To track the conversion rate on your landing page (correctly completed forms) in GA, you should set the appropriate conversion goal in Google Analytics. We recommend tracking conversions on the thank you page, to which the user is redirected once he correctly completes the form.
- Log in to your Google Analytics account and go to the Admin tab –> Goals. Click + NEW GOAL button to create a new goal.
- In the first step Goal set-up (1), select a custom goal and move on. In the second step Goal description (2), name your goal and select the Destination type, then go to the last step.
- In the last step Goal details (3), select Begins with from the drop-down menu. If you use the default thank you page with the dynamic URL (changing hash), enter the empty field as ‘‘ – just replace our exemplary URL with your own address. Finally, click Save (4).
NOTE: If you have your own, custom thank you page, select the Equal to from the drop-down menu and paste the appropriate URL of your page.
From now on you can track the conversion in GA.
If you want to track other events such as clicking a button, see this manual.