In this guide, you will learn how to create a link to automatically open the default email client with a recipient already typed in. You can add it to the text widget, button, icon, or image.

Add a mailto link to text

  1. Go to the editor of your landing page.
  2. On the left side of the editor, find the Text widget, then drag and drop it into the active area of your landing page. Create the text and select the section you want to insert the link into. Click on the link icon.

3. Select Redirect and type mailto: followed by your email address. Then Save and close.

4. Publish your landing page and check if the link works correctly.

Add a mailto link to the button

  1. Go to the editor of your landing page.
  2. Drag and drop the Button widget. Go to button Settings from the context menu or toolbar.

3. In the Type > Redirect tab, in the Target URL field, type mailto: and the email address you want to use. Then Save and close.

4. Publish your landing page and check if the link works correctly.

Mailto link extensions

If you want default email text to appear after clicking on the link, you can extend the link:

  • – redirect just to an email address
  • – redirect to an email address, with a message title “ABC”
  • – redirect to an email address, with a message title “ABC” and a text “XYZ”
  • – redirect to an email address, as a reply to a sender’s message

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