Does the plugin support PayPal payments?
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Affiliate Program FAQ
How does the Affiliate Program work? An affiliate program is a revenue sharing program. After joining you will get your own affiliate link to our platform. When someone clicks on the referral link and completes a purchase, you get a … Continued
Agency FAQ
Can I charge my customers inside the Smartpages platform? For charging your customers, you will need your own system – there is no internal solution in our platform to handle payments. What about fees for my customers? We will never … Continued
How to start selling products and services on a landing page
A landing page is most effective when focused on a single goal. If you offer services or digital products, you can put a buy now button on your page and make the shopping experience easier. In Smartpages we give you … Continued
Smart Pages Platform Overview
In this guide, you will learn about all the features of the Smartpages platform so that you can fully enjoy its potential and navigate it smoothly. Available features depend on the selected plan. See the pricing and compare our plans … Continued
Editor – available options
Smartpages landing page editor is a drag&drop website builder. It makes creating pages easy, intuitive and quick – all you need to do is drag elements and drop them in an active area of the editor. There is no coding … Continued
Egito integration
Egito CRM helps you handle subsequent stages of lead management – when potential converts into quotes, orders, payments, and long-term relations. You can integrate Egito with Smartpages via webhook (POST). Set up the integration in Egito Log in to your … Continued
Sharing files with users
Share your downloadable file with visitors to your landing page without using any other external tools. There are two simple ways to do this in Smartpages editor. Download button Go to the editor. Decide whether you want the file to … Continued
PayPal payment gateway
PayPal is an online payment service that allows you to pay for products using a secure internet account. You can integrate a PayPal account with your Smartpages account using three methods. A PayPal payment gateway button is the easiest one … Continued