If you want to put a clip from YouTube or Vimeo on your landing page, you can easily implement the video URL.

If you prefer a video tutorial, here’s one for you:

Add a clip from YouTube or Vimeo to your landing page

  1. Log in to your Smartpages account and go to the editor of your landing page.
  2. On the left side of the editor, find the Video widget, then drag and drop it into the active area of your landing page.

3. Paste the path of your video into the Video URL field.

NOTE: We don’t support live videos from Vimeo. If you want to display a live video on your landing page, try using the YouTube platform.

You can also set some other functions:

  • Autoplay – the video starts automatically;
  • Title – the video title appears;
  • Mute – the video starts mute automatically;
  • Loop – means that your video will be displayed again and again;
  • Controls – control buttons appear.

4. Save and close.

Publish the landing page and check if the video is displayed correctly.

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